

People have been asking me for a long time to list some of the resources I have come across. So here it is finally. Your ministry will only go as deep as what you consume. Some of these reads will challenge traditional thinking. Others aren’t heady but have incredibly creative and imaginative authors and they help one imagine what it may have been like in others shoes. PS – It doesn’t mean I agree with everything in their book. Who would? Other books are about improving practical skills – preaching, teaching, etc.  So you know I have read all or almost all of the works listed. So this isn’t a list I pulled out of the air. One final note, I have not monotonously listed commentaries, textuals or lexical apparatus. There are a ton of good ones just ask the right people. Later.


Theology for the Community of God. Stanley Grenz. Eerdmans. 1994.

Essentials of Christian Theology. Ed. Placher. Westminster John Knox Press. 2003.

A Scholastic Miscellany: Anselm to Ockham. Fairweather. WJK Press 1990.

The Doctrine of God. Karkkainen. Baker Academic. 2004.

The Fall and Sin. What We have Become. Shuster. Eerdmans. 2004.

Toward a Pneumatological Theology. Karkkainen. University Press of America. 2002.

Flame of Love, A theology of the Holy Spirit. Clark Pinnock. IVP 1996.

Justification, God’s Plan & Paul’s Vision. N.T. Wright.

The Essence of the Church. Vangelder. Baker Books. 2000.

Enchiridion on Faith, Hope and Love. St. Augustine. Gateway. Reprint 1996.

Confessions. St. Augustine. Penguin. 1961.


Church History / Theological History:

A History of Christianity in the U.S. and Canada. Noll. Eerdmans. 1992.

African American Religious History: A Documentary Witness. Sernett. Duke. 1999.

The Story of Christianity. Gonzalez. Harper Collins. 1985.

A History of Christianity Beginnings To 1500. LaTourette. Harper Collins. 2000.


Imaginative Theology:

Godric A Novel – Fredrick Buechner Harper Collins 1980.

Christ the Lord, The Road to Cana A Novel – Anna Rice. Knopf 2008.

The Shack. William Young. Windblown Media. 2007.

The Book of Bebb. Fredick Buechner. Harper Collins. 1971.

The Son of Laughter. Fredrick Buechner. Harper Collins. 1994.

A Room Called Remember. Fredrick Buechner. Harper Collins. 1984.

Telling the Truth: The Gospel as Tragedy, Comedy, and Fairy Tale. Fredrick Buechner HC. 1977.

A Tale of Three Kings. Gene Edwards 1976.


Presence Theology:

The Practice of the Presence of God. Brother Lawrence. Alba House 2002. (Originally 1611-1614)

Hosting the Holy Spirit. Che Ahn. Renew Books 2000.

The Fire of His Holiness. Sergio Scataglini. Renew Books. 1999.


Preaching & Missional Theology:

Proclamation and Theology. William Willimon. Abingdon Press. 2005.

Between Two Worlds. The Challenge of Preaching Today. John Stott. Eerdmans. 2001.

Truth to Tell: The Gospel as Public Truth. Lesslie Newbigin. Eerdmans 1991.

The Art & Craft of Biblical Preaching. Haddon Robinson & Larson. Zondervan. 2005.

Toward an Exegetical Theology. Walter Kaiser Jr. Baker Books. 3rd Printing 2002.


Theodicy / Problem of Evil:

Man’s Search for Meaning. Viktor Frankl. Washington Square Press 1952.

Where is God When it Hurts? Philip Yancey. Zondervan 1990.

Satan and the Problem of Evil. Greg Boyd


Tween / Teen / Student Ministry:

Purpose Driven Youth Ministry. Doug Fields. Zondervan. 1998.

Speaking to Teenagers. Fields and Robbins. Zondervan. 2007.

Tactics. Fred Stoeker. WaterBrook Press. 2006.

Creative Teaching Methods. LeFever. Cook Publishing. 1995.

Assertive Discipline. Positive Behavior Management for Today’s Classroom. Canter. 1992.

Reaching a Generation for Christ. Dunn and Senter III. Moody. 1997.

Four Views of Youth Ministry and the Church. Zondervan 2001.

A Tribe Apart. Patricia Hersch. Ballantine Books. 1999.


Discipleship / Evangelizational Process:

Endings, Invitations to Discipleship. Hooker. Hendrickson 2003.

Live to Tell. Evangelism for a Postmodern Age. Kallenberg. Brazos Press. 2002.

Transforming Discipleship. Ogden. IVP. 2003.

In Name Only, Tackling the Problem of Nominal Christianity. Gibbs. Fuller Press 2000.

Exiles, Living Missionally in Post-Christian Culture. Michael Frost.  Henrickson 2006.

Proper Confidence, faith, doubt, and certainty in Christian Discipleship. Newbigin. Eerdmans. 1995.


Christian Living:

Why We Can’t Wait Martin Luther King Jr. Signet. 2000.

11, Indispensible Relationships. Leonard Sweet. David C. Cook. 2008.

Servant Warfare. Steve Sjogren. Vine Books 1996.

Primal: A Quest for the Lost Soul of Christianity. Batterson. Multnomah Press. 2009.

Wide Awake. McManus. Thomas Nelson. 2008.

Culture Making, Recovering our Creative Calling. Crouch. IVP. 2008.

Velvet Elvis. Rob Bell. Zondervan. 2005.


Missional & Social Justice Theology:

Rich Christians in An Age of Hunger. Ron Sider. W Publishing. 1997.

Kingdom Ethics. Following Jesus Contemporary Context. Stassen & Gushee. IVP. 2003.


Grey Areas, Dilemmas, and Decisions:

Readings in Christian Ethics. David Clark & Rakestraw. Baker Books. 2004.

The Right Thing to Do. James Rachels. 2nd Edition. McGraw Hill 1999.


Business/ Administration:

Business Law and the Regulation of Business -Richard Mann, Barry S. Roberts 2008 Thomson West

Organizational Behavior -McShane and Vow Glinow – 2010 McGraw-Hill International

Business Ethics – Richard T DeGeorge 2006 Pearson / Prentice Hall

Leadership Research Findings, Practice and Skill – Andrew Durbin 2010 Southwest Cengage

Financial Accounting 5th Edition – John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2010.



Tribes. Seth Godin. Penguin Books. 2008.

Good to Great. JimCollins. Harper Collins. 2001.

Crucial Conversations. Kerry Patterson, et al. McGraw Hill 2002.

Built to Last. Jim Collins and Jerry Porras. HarperBusiness Essentials. 1994.

Execution: The Discipline of Getting things Done. Bossidy and Charan. Crown Business. 2002.

Getting Things Done. David Allen.Penguin Publishers. 2003.

The Joshua Portrait. Bobby Clinton. Barnabas Publishers. 1990.

The Mentor Handbook, Guidelines for Christian Mentors. Bobby Clinton. Barnabas 1991.

Connecting. The Mentoring Relationship You Need. Stanley & Clinton. NavPress. 1992.

Developing the Leader Within You. Maxwell. Thomas Nelson. 1993.



Book Proposals that Sell, Whalin. Write Now Press. 2005.

2010 Writers Market. Brewer. Writer’s Digest Books. 2010 (Accept No Substitutes)

2010 Guide to Literary Agents. Sambuchino. Writer’s Digest Books. 2010 (Accept No Substitutes)